If you own a website, then the next best thing you need to
do is to build rapport with the visitors of your website. You do this by
investing in email marketing. Email marketing is all about sending commercial
email messages to a group of people who have given their permission to receive
those emails.
Email marketing can help turn a visitor to your site into a
potential customer. A visitor to your site may be looking for information
related to his/her problems. He/she may read an article on your website that
addresses the problem. If your website is selling a product or service that
helps to alleviate the problem, then the visitor may buy the product or service
you are offering to help them overcome their problem. There are many factors
that affect the customer's decision on purchasing your product. It may be due
to the price or the problem they are facing may not be that severe (i.e. they
could do something to get temporary relief from the problem). Either way, Email
Marketing is designed to let potential customers know that your website is
offering information that addresses their need or problem.