Showing posts with label Growing your Small Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Growing your Small Business. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Facebook : Are You Working Your Business Page Like You Should Be?

The two most visited websites are Google and Facebook and the second one is seen as the "must have" asset for businesses. Why? Because Facebook is a tool that lets you connect with your potential customers directly and almost personally. It is the B2C connection because customers can have a direct means of contacting a business.

When it comes to B2B connecting, though, marketers still haven't adopted the social site. Why? Well, the effectiveness seems to be missing. But that may be that businesses haven't learned how to market Facebook properly.

So if you don't have a Facebook page for your company, or you aren't seeing anything significant coming from your page, the question is, are you marketing your Facebook page to fullest possibility?
Let's take a look at a few things you need to be doing to use this dynamic platform to increase brand awareness among other businesses, especially your competitors and vendors.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and social media marketing training here

The First Step 

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

5 Steps To Creating and Marketing Your First Webinar

If you've never created a webinar before, the thought of webinar marketing can be really intimidating. You're probably wondering...

  • How will I work out the technical aspects of holding a webinar?
  • How do I give people access to the webinar?
  • What platform should I use for hosting the webinar?
  • What should the webinar be about, anyway?
  • How do I get people to attend my webinar?
Don't worry! While webinars are certainly more technically involved than other types of content marketing, once you get the first one under your belt you'll be off to the races.

Here are five easy steps to creating and marketing your very first webinar:  

1. Get hyper-specific on a niche topic
The phrase "go big or go home" does not apply to webinars. That is, you don't want to try and cover a broad topic in a single webinar, and leave your audience with a grand overview but no specific takeaways.

Since webinars are typically under an hour in length, it's important to deliver valuable, actionable tips and strategies within the allotted time.

Instead of holding a webinar on "gardening," for example, you might hold a webinar on a specific topic such as "Top 10 Tips Tor Harvesting Tomatoes In The Gall," or "How To Plant Sunflower Seeds In Dry Soil."

CLICK HERE for '7 Secrets to Making Big Money with Webinars Strategy'.

Friday, 3 November 2017

What You're Doing Wrong In Your Small Business Or As An Entrepreneur

Business owners and entrepreneurs are not always good at asking for help. Be honest, when did you last reach out to someone? Perhaps this is the reason why they are entrepreneurs in the first place. Business owners are self motivated and self reliant. But if you're operating a business in this way, it could be the one thing which stands in the way of progress.

Entrepreneurs are hard workers too and will work hard in areas which many people wouldn't consider. They look forward to the long term effects of their actions rather than for immediate rewards. Often business owners have built up their businesses over many years of difficulties and sacrifice.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and free sales & marketing training here

However, thinking into the cause and effects of all this work there is one thing in common: you. As the 'owner' of a business it can be easy to become complacent. Perhaps business growth isn't what it should be? You are always the limiting factor in your life. Unless you are growing, your business isn't.

If you keep operating from the belief that you know everything, you will always keep getting the same results in your business, and in your life. Growing in awareness and developing your self along with your business is what smart entrepreneurs do.

Working Hard And Smart 

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Grab these three FREE Ebooks to Kick Start your Business Success

For all small business owners, sales are the key factor to your growth and success. If you are not achieving the sales you want, then you are at risk of losing your business.

Here are three Ebooks that focus on getting the sales success that you need. They are ready for you to download, just CLICK HERE to access then right away and kick start your sales success.

Friday, 1 September 2017

6 Tips for Growing a Small Business

To succeed with growing a small business, it is essential to have great organisational and planning skills, as well as having a flexible approach to work. Before starting a new business venture, it is important to put in the time for initial planning before opening the doors. Here are a few things to consider for the greater likelihood of success in the future:

Get organised

In order to set up and grow the business it helps to be very organised. An organised person is that much better at staying on top of things and completing tasks. A simple strategy to achieve this is a to-do list. This can be updated daily to give a complete overview of what needs to be done on any given day. Also, this is a great way to avoid forgetting tasks or leaving things until the last-minute.

Click here for details on how to create an additional income stream in your spare time.

Maintain detailed records

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

8 Golden Success Secrets for Small Businesses

Running a small business is as challenging as trekking to Mt. Everest without having oxygen cylinder, prior practice, and a valid map guide. The challenges are only because there are no authentic rules that can lead a small business towards success while other major obstacles comprise: low budget, limited manpower, and lack of efficient resources. But as a small business owner, you must delve into the pass-codes that help you decode the secret patterns of operating a successful startup or small business. It not only helps you to sustain your current growth but also excel your business planning's to achieve higher objectives. There are a few suggestions based on real-world experiences, which can assist you to hit the bull's eye.

Want to grow you business via Online Marketing? Click Here for free training.

1- Utilise the power of social media:

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

7 Things Successful Small Business Owners Do

If you're stuck wondering how to be a successful small business owner, know this: running a small business often simply means making good use of successful small business ideas. Successful small business owners face many ups and downs throughout their work. They know that small business ideas cannot turn out successful unless they use the proper approach and strategies.

If you want to be one of the few successful small business owners, remember that having a good strategy is crucial. Without the right strategy and a proper approach, you are not likely to achieve your goal.

Some small business owners manage to overcome their everyday challenges, while others seem to give up after a while. So, let's find out what successful small business owners do differently from the unsuccessful ones. Let's turn their experience into your success through your small business ideas.

#Marketing Tips That Will Help Every Small Business - grab your free report here


Friday, 12 May 2017

8 Golden Success Secrets for Small Businesses

Running a small business is as challenging as trekking to Mt. Everest without having oxygen cylinder, prior practice, and a valid map guide. The challenges are only because there are no authentic rules that can lead a small business towards success while other major obstacles comprise: low budget, limited manpower, and lack of efficient resources. But as a small business owner, you must delve into the pass-codes that help you decode the secret patterns of operating a successful startup or small business. It not only helps you to sustain your current growth but also excel your business planning's to achieve higher objectives. There are a few suggestions based on real-world experiences, which can assist you to hit the bull's eye.

1- Utilise the power of social media:
Nowadays, the entire world revolves around social media and if you are able to use its full potential, it can immediately help you increase your sales and brand reputation with very minimum resource and effort. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, help you connect with a large scale of users, where you can directly interact with them, thereby allowing you to convert them into your potential clients. It forms a two-way channel that not only allows you to put your message across but also, listen to what your targeted audience want, which eventually goes a long way in improving and growing your business.

2- Research and analyse your competition:

Friday, 5 May 2017

Small Business Advice: Build A Winning Business Model

Whether your company is a start-up or several decades old, the business model is the hub around which all activities revolve. The business model is the blueprint that shows company leaders how to create value and build a money-making enterprise. It is the engine that drives revenue and generates profits.

Fail to devise a winning business model and you will not build a business that succeeds over the long-term. Creation of a profitable business model is a multi-disciplinary exercise that encompasses marketing, sales, strategy, operations and finance.

Identify the primary customers (Marketing)

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Small Business Sales: Using Content Marketing to Sell Online

Blog content (as a matter of fact, all content) has a very specific purpose. That purpose is to educate and inform your readers/target audience) about your products/services and to put them in a position of knowing a little more after they read your content than before they read it.

Using content marketing to help you sell online 

First of all, when it comes to your content, you need to consistently deliver top-quality, valuable content to your readers. It is your content that enables you to build a relationship with the other person, which means that eventually, that person will trust you enough to want to buy what you are selling. This is where content marketing comes into it.

Content marketing is an amazing tool to help you sell your product(s) online. If you do it correctly, your content marketing materials will reach the other person in such a way that he or she will only consider you and your business to be the one from whom to buy.

The truth is that your ability to sell anything online stems from the content that you share with other people. If not for your content, you would not have any way of letting your online connections know about what you are selling and why it stands above the products and/or services of your competitors. 
Of course, as far as selling is concerned, it is much more difficult to sell a service than to sell a product.

Monday, 1 May 2017

7 Creative Ways To Inject New Life Into Your Marketing Plan

All companies will find themselves at odds with their marketing strategy. This isn't to say that they are not getting the results they want from the plan. It just seems as though the plan in, and of itself, grows a bit stale and worn. What's more, all successful companies find that in order to stay on the cutting edge and attract new customers, they need to tweak their marketing approach to appeal to new audiences.

It’s a risk that has tremendous rewards, and even more key is the idea that you don't have to go too crazy with new approaches. With these seven slight, creative tweaks, you can breathe new life into your marketing:

1. Use Social Media a Little Differently

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

7 Marketing Mistakes You Don't Want To Make

Mistake #1: Relying on referrals or word-of-mouth. When you depend on word-of-mouth, you allow middlemen to control your flow of prospective new customers. You may have delivered a superior product at a phenomenal price but if no is talking about it, the cash register quickly stops ringing.

The solution? Make sure you have a marketing program targeted at reaching your most desired customer. Then craft a message that is relevant and meaningful and deliver it consistently.

Mistake #2: 

Monday, 24 April 2017

3 Ways to Become the Go-To Expert For Your Clients

One of the things that is really important for you to do in business is to master your craft. Just like your clients, it's essential that you know your business inside and out.

Part of that mastery is learning about your clients and their businesses too.

It's not particularly necessary to work with a target industry or niche (although that helps!), but success is something that will come to you when your name comes to mind in conversations that you aren't even a part of.

Your clients will give you referrals when they are in conversation with their colleagues, if you make sure that your name comes to their mind often, and in the right context.

So here are 3 ways you can become the go-to expert for your clients:

Learn about their industry. 

Friday, 21 April 2017

5 Steps to Get to Know Your Target Market

There is a big chance that the target market you are looking for is similar to yourself. After all, you are probably into a subject that really rings your bell and that's why you want to spread the word. 

Like us; we are learning about online marketing and defining our target market so that what we write, actually reaches the people who might find it useful. It really all comes down to these 5 steps to get to know your target market.

1. Who are they?
Since people are all over the place with their interests, and in the online world the common demographics are not that useful anymore, we must think differently. Bring your audience to life in your imagination.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

How to Make Sure Your Business Survives in 2017

According to RSA, the commercial insurance company, 71 percent of the UK's small and mid-sized businesses expect their revenues to either fall or be flat in 2017. The health of any business is not guaranteed forever. At some point, virtually every small and mid-sized business hits troubled waters so this could be a difficult 12 months if you own a small business.

It's not easy spotting the early signs of trouble. Turning around the fortunes of a distressed business is a formidable task, but if you are concerned, you need to jump on it right away. Treat it like a crisis because without that kind of mindset it's hard to bring yourself to take significant action straightaway But the good news is that if you act swiftly and decisively, it is possible to recover and bounce back stronger than before.

You need to start 2017 by taking a cold, hard look at your business. Get some outside help because it's always useful to have an outsider's perspective. An experienced business consultant can help you to see what needs to be done, make the tough decisions and execute a plan.

Here are the 7 areas that you should be looking at

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

How To Verify Your Small Business Listing on Google - Video

Have you verified your small business listing on Google My Business?

If you haven't, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to promote your small business especially to your local community.

Watch this video on how to verify your small business on Google My Business.

By Martin Goldthorpe

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

5 Easy Steps to Grow Your Small Business Now!

Do you want more sales for your business? Do you need success not failure?

If you really want to know how to help your business grow then read on, I’ve been helping small business owners for nearly 20 years and I see that by making a few changes, sales will grow dramatically.
Let me be CRYSTAL clear about this ... I want to show you:
--- The EXACT Google changes you can implement to help you rank above your competitors and get more sales.
--- How to use Facebook and Twitter to target customers who already WANT to buy from you.
--- How to use your database to deliver new, regular, repeat sales.
--- 4 great ways to entice new customers (YOU CAN’T MISS THIS)
--- The Single biggest MISTAKE that small business owners make (and you are probably doing this now right!)
I’ve helped literally dozens of small business owners to make more sales using these up-to-date marketing techniques and they are relevant to any market, product, business or niche.

I will be presenting a LIVE webinar that is FREE to attend entitled  ‘How To Increase Your Sales Dramatically Using Free Online Marketing Tools…in 5 Easy Steps‘.
Make sure you don't MISS OUT! Start growing your sales NOW! Reserve your place by CLICKING HERE!

You know, what?

I’m really passionate about helping other small business owners just like me. I know that these 5 simple steps will improve your business and maximise your sales and profits… today!

If you think that sounds too good to be true, do me a favour and check out the webinar now!

REGISTER HERE to watch the live webinar now and I will reveal the answers to...

>>> Turning your website from being an online brochure into a sales generator!
>>> How to use social media to get sales enquiries for your business
>>> Steal business from your competitors with Google’s help
>>> Getting your customers to buy more from you

Here’s to getting the sales you want for your small business.

By Martin Goldthorpe

Thursday, 23 March 2017

8 Awesome Tips About Lead Generation To Skyrocket Your Business

Are you a business owner? Lead generation must be important to you if you are. To do it right, you need to develop a lead generation strategy. Learning more is easy, just check out the content below.

1) Be careful about buying email lists to use for lead generation. A lot of companies swear their lists are fresh, but quite often 30% or more of the names you are purchasing will be out of date. Prior to purchasing, negotiate with the list selling company in regard to this. You should get a partial refund if a percentage this high is noticed.

2) Go to networking events in your community.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

5 Tips for Small Business Success

As a small business, we face certain challenges that can add stress and anxiety to our daily lives. It is not always easy meeting payroll, hiring, figuring out what platform to market on and managing the finances. But, millions of small business owners do these things every day and their businesses thrive.

Here are 5 Tips for Small Business Success

Write Down Why You Started
As a small business owner, you may find yourself living on a roller coaster. Some days you feel like you are going to take over the entire universe while other days you fire yourself and walk off the job. And, early on in the small business process, you have more firing and walking off the job kind of days. It is in these days that you must remember your "why." Why are you doing this? Why are you so passionate?