Showing posts with label Facebook Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Marketing. Show all posts

Friday, 9 February 2018

3 Tips for Successful Facebook Ads

Are you considering advertising on Facebook or are you already doing so? Then these three tips that will help your advertising campaigns to be more successful.

Tip One:

Facebook is not primarily an advertising sales platform. I know the managers of Facebook have heavily promoted it as one of the top online advertising platforms out there. And, in many ways, they are correct. It has a fabulously rich marketing database.

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So, what do I mean by this statement, that Facebook is not primarily an advertising sales platform?
What I mean is that people's intention for being there is not to buy. We're on Facebook to be social. To share silly pictures or find out what our friends are doing, etc. If we want to buy something, we will go to websites such as eBay or Amazon or Etsy.

What this means for you as an advertiser, is that if you try to sell on Facebook right out of the gate, you will fail. Why? Because there is an instant disconnect between why someone is there on Facebook, and what you are doing.

The way around this problem is for you to give. You have to promote something that gives value to the people who will see your advertisement. In short, you are using Facebook advertising to build a relationship. And, what you're hoping is that further down the road of that relationship, sales will be made.

Tip Two:

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

How To Post Your Blog Content on Facebook

Having a corporate blog is an important digital marketing strategy. It helps with SEO, gives your customers and clients important information, helps educate new customers and clients, and is a great platform to talk about what you do and how you do it.

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Undoubtedly you spend a fair amount of time curating the content for your blog. You come up with ideas, write the content, optimise it for your website, and more. After it’s written, you want to make sure that people actually read it.

One of the best ways to get your blog content out there is to post it on your social media channels. Facebook is an especially powerful tool for posting your blog content and having people read and share it.

There are a few tactics that you can use to your advantage when you post your blog content on Facebook. Here are the ones that work the best:

Share your blog on Facebook

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Facebook : Are You Working Your Business Page Like You Should Be?

The two most visited websites are Google and Facebook and the second one is seen as the "must have" asset for businesses. Why? Because Facebook is a tool that lets you connect with your potential customers directly and almost personally. It is the B2C connection because customers can have a direct means of contacting a business.

When it comes to B2B connecting, though, marketers still haven't adopted the social site. Why? Well, the effectiveness seems to be missing. But that may be that businesses haven't learned how to market Facebook properly.

So if you don't have a Facebook page for your company, or you aren't seeing anything significant coming from your page, the question is, are you marketing your Facebook page to fullest possibility?
Let's take a look at a few things you need to be doing to use this dynamic platform to increase brand awareness among other businesses, especially your competitors and vendors.

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The First Step 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Leverage the Organic Power of Facebook for your Online Marketing

I started out on Facebook just as almost everyone else did. I opened an account, started finding other friends on the site and start communicating with them mostly by - I guess you could call it - Blog posting as a lot of what Facebook is really about at its base is a social platform - a blog site.
I was starting an online business and my initial focus when getting going was to write some articles, publish them to get known and then build them into books and market them on Amazon-Kindle. I did not have much more of a strategy than that in the beginning - I had just always wanted to write and publish a book. A bucket list item.

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As I began to delve in further into the world of Facebook - and this spans time - over the last couple of years in fact - I became aware of just how powerful this platform really is from a business and product marketing perspective. And I have learned a lot about the platform to date - yet I am constantly learning more things I can do on it to further my brand awareness and even close sales right on the platform itself. With this in mind, I want to share with you some ideas for using Facebook that you may not have thought of. Here is an initial list of ideas to get you started.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Social Network - Facebook Marketing

It's 2017 and Facebook is still the largest social network on the planet. With over 1.2 billion active users, out of which almost 65% log in daily to this gigantic platform, Facebook was not at all famous back when it launched. A decade ago, there were no more than a few million people using Mark Zuckerberg's experiment of a social network. A decade ago, nobody expected Facebook to be a global success.

Is something going to stop it from growing at an even faster rate? With the momentum Facebook has been having over the last 5 years, do you think anything will stop it? The shocking answer is "almost definitely no", because Facebook is here to stay. Any social network or online platform with a user base that large will probably never go down, but simply adapt, instead.

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Most digital marketers use Facebook to promote their products to the massive audience, and there's no better place to advertise than Facebook, because everyone's ideal market is using it 24/7. But you may wonder - how can one target Facebook users with marketing?

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

10 Proven Ways to Increase Your Facebook Likes

Whether for personal or business purposes, one of the main goals of most Facebook users is to garner more likes and reactions. This article will outline 10 simple ways to increase the amount of likes for any post.

1. Keep Your Page Updated
It is important to note that keeping your page updated is not synonymous with spamming your Facebook followers. Getting more exposure on social media by posting periodically will result in more likes, reacts and even comments. However, posting too often is quite, frankly, annoying. As a result, your friends will literally like your post less, which translates to Facebook likes too!

2. Filtering
You can and should choose what you share on Facebook. If you have a Facebook page that you are updating correctly, but the content is lacking, you may still find yourself not reaching your goal of likes. Ask yourself: What is the point of this post? A post will have more of an impact if the meaning behind it is clear to its audience, whether its intention is to be funny, touching or thought-provoking.

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Monday, 10 July 2017

Marketing Successfully With Facebook

Which social media channels work most effectively for your business? If you are like a lot of other business people, Facebook is probably among the list of your most used social media channels. However, do you think that you are leveraging Facebook for all that it can offer your business?

Some of your Facebook efforts will work and some will not 

The fact is that Facebook has a lot of power and possibilities behind it when it comes to business. Additionally, Facebook has been around for quite a while and it has gained respect among business people. Of course, the Facebook of today is not the Facebook of yesterday. In the beginning, Facebook was used pretty exclusively by college students to communicate easily among them. However, nowadays, Facebook is used by millions of for all sorts of purposes.

The truth is that Facebook holds tremendous potential when it comes to content marketing but you need to have a clear understanding of which aspects of the social media channel will work effectively for your business and which ones will not. Because each business is different, it is important to really wrap your mind around the particular needs of your business. Some of the aspects of Facebook that may serve your business very well are:

  • Posting on a regular basis: 

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Facebook Marketing - Your Web Traffic Goldmine

Facebook - is one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. More than 62 million people use Facebook every day. A long time ago, FB only used to be a site where you can meet and connect with friends and new acquaintances. It used to be a site where you update and post the events of your life. 

It has become a business solution and advertising medium for many entrepreneurs and businesses. FB offers an extremely exceptional way to market products and services Most businesses have also reported greatly increased traffic levels to their websites.

What is Facebook Marketing?

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Should You Spend Money on Facebook Like Ads?

There's a bit of controversy about that those because a lot of people dismiss them as a vanity metric.
First of all, I just want to make sure we don't get Like Ads confused with people going to places like Fiverr and giving them five bucks and getting a thousand Likes. Those likes are (C-R-A-P), which is not good for you in the long run because it's not going to create an engaged page, which is what we're doing with our Like Ads - we're investing into Facebook Like Ads and playing building relationship with our 'Fans'.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Facebook AdWords Trends for 2017

In 2017 it is expected that Facebook would come up with more ways in which brands can reach users that they intend to target. Monetised bots are going to be at the forefront of this revolution. Mark Zuckerberg has recently stated in a post that till the time a product has a billion users it has not done meaningful business. 

In the same post he had also stated that Facebook was not going to make any effort to monetise its bots till the time the social networking site had a billion users. Facebook Messenger has recently hit the mark. Zuckerberg has stated that Messenger would follow a process of monetisation that is similar to that of Facebook itself.

Friday, 7 April 2017

5 Simple Tips For Profiting From Facebook

Facebook has become an integral part of our lives. On any given day a huge percentage of the world's population will find themselves logging in, spending a few minutes or hours) checking on the goings on of their friends, family, and even favourite businesses, authors, and thought leaders.

So the question is, with all this activity on Facebook, have you found an effective way to build a fan page that not only bring in followers, but also leads them to becoming buyers? Have you found a way to profit from it for your business?

If not, or if you've only begun to explore the depths of what you can do on Facebook, then check out these tips on stepping up your game: 

TIP 1 ­ Build a community around you and your business

Friday, 10 February 2017

Why Your Business Can't Ignore Facebook Groups

Facebook is the social headquarters of the internet. Facebook groups are an excellent place to hook up with people in your industry and potential customers. When you open a group on Facebook, you can enjoy a very easy-going, community relationship with your followers.

The benefits of setting up a group on Facebook for building your online business, blog and brand are plentiful. 

Here are just 5 of them.