Friday 9 June 2017

Facebook AdWords Trends for 2017

In 2017 it is expected that Facebook would come up with more ways in which brands can reach users that they intend to target. Monetised bots are going to be at the forefront of this revolution. Mark Zuckerberg has recently stated in a post that till the time a product has a billion users it has not done meaningful business. 

In the same post he had also stated that Facebook was not going to make any effort to monetise its bots till the time the social networking site had a billion users. Facebook Messenger has recently hit the mark. Zuckerberg has stated that Messenger would follow a process of monetisation that is similar to that of Facebook itself.

Facebook has however not plastered the site with ads and banners. It has instead asked brands to build pages that would have content and thus drive interaction that would be organic in nature. After the idea is embedded Facebook would reduce organic growth and change brands so that it can appear in the news feed of the user. It is expected that the bots would be popular thus being an important part of Facebook AdWords. In the initial stages Facebook would like to make sure that a lot of brands, as well as users, adopt these bots.

It is only after that monetisation would be introduced. Facebook has also announced of late that it would permit various brands to buy Newsfeed ads so that they are able to target their bots at certain groups that are more likely to do business with them. This will all be part of the major push of Facebook to popularise its bots among brands and users and ensure their greater adoption.

Monetised live videos

It has been recently reported in Digiday that Facebook Live is going to be monetised. The website also says that Facebook will place ads in live stream. In fact, this has already started with ads being placed in videos that are expected to be popular among users. These ads are also going to run as display ads as well as during breaks of the live events that are being covered by Facebook. The priorities of Facebook are however on videos. As per its newest earnings call it has been revealed that 500 million people normally watch 100 million hours’ worth of videos on a daily basis. Facebook has given a big push to live videos of late and it seems it is only a matter of time before it starts making profit from this enterprise.

Call to action buttons for pages of local businesses

Of late Facebook has started to use updated call to action buttons for pages of local businesses. The basic idea here is to make sure that customers have a better experience on the Facebook page of the concerned establishment itself. This means that from now on you can order food from your local takeaway just by visiting its Facebook page. Facebook is of the opinion that this would increase the quality of user experience considering how local businesses are known to have bad mobile pages.

By Rahul Ranjan Singh - Article Source:

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