Showing posts with label Customer emails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer emails. Show all posts

Monday, 4 September 2017

Email Marketing: Are You Actively Engaging Your Customers?

In today's marketplace, you need to be a bit more creative than your competition to ensure you're driving sales. Let's face it, if you're selling tangible goods, from a retail storefront, you've got to do all you can do to make certain, those customers return.

Honestly, pretty much anything you sell, could likely be found online. And, quite often, the price of the goods will be less than what you are selling for, and can be shipped to their doorstep in a matter of days. So, other than instant gratification for the purchase, what are you doing to bring them in and keep them coming?

You may have an appealing looking establishment, great products and a friendly staff, which is all good, but, what else do you have going for you? You really need to engage your customers. One great way to do that is have an email signup sheet on the counter. Let them know that those on the email list will get special promotions, early notifications of sales and, at times, special discounts. Make certain that they know that you protect their privacy and will never share their information with anybody.

Click here for a 30 day FREE trial with AWeber award winning email automation.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Why Is Building An Email List So Important?

An email list is the bread and butter of an online business. It's a collected list of email addresses of customers and prospects that have filled out a form to receive your messages. These email addresses are collected into a database that allows you to easily send out messages both immediately and automated to all the people on your list, or specific ones that you choose.

So why is building an email list so important?

1. You Get Permission
When you get someone to join your email list, you are basically getting permission to communicate and continue marketing to them via email. By subscribing, they are telling you that they want to hear from you and what you have to offer.

2. You Own Your Email List

Friday, 31 March 2017

Effective Email Marketing

If you own a website, then the next best thing you need to do is to build rapport with the visitors of your website. You do this by investing in email marketing. Email marketing is all about sending commercial email messages to a group of people who have given their permission to receive those emails.

Email marketing can help turn a visitor to your site into a potential customer. A visitor to your site may be looking for information related to his/her problems. He/she may read an article on your website that addresses the problem. If your website is selling a product or service that helps to alleviate the problem, then the visitor may buy the product or service you are offering to help them overcome their problem. There are many factors that affect the customer's decision on purchasing your product. It may be due to the price or the problem they are facing may not be that severe (i.e. they could do something to get temporary relief from the problem). Either way, Email Marketing is designed to let potential customers know that your website is offering information that addresses their need or problem.

Click here for a free "Growing Your Business with Email Marketing" guide.

Friday, 10 March 2017

10 Email Marketing Best Practices

Primary! Social! Promotional! Ya... it is the format of our Gmail accounts. It has been incorporated long since today, and is the most lively adopted format which is heartily adopted worldwide. Why it has been divided so? It has been employed to enhance the functionality and the look of the Gmail accounts and you have surely felt the difference when all mails were merged and when all are dispersed into the chunks. Emails are the most professional and technical approach to transfer any attachment and to making on-line diverse deals. Actually, the mail you have sent to your client should be engraved with proper format and the language you will use.

Gone were those days, when email ids were identified by only mails and attachments. It is the cut throat era in which email marketing is in vogue. Email marketing is the type of direct digital marketing tool that employs the electronic mail for the purpose of delivery of commercial message.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Email Marketing: 6 Tips to Get You Started Building Your List

After much research, the Direct Marketing Association found that the smartest email marketing plans bring in $43 for each $1 spent.

If you are just getting started with email list building, take note of these statistic, and use them as motivation. Here are 6 tips to help you create your own smart email marketing plan.

1. Give New Subscribers Valuable Opt-In Freebies

In order to start your email list you are going to have to give something away for free. These opt-in bribes should be something most people would pay for, but you give away without charge.
Not only will this make converts out of casual visitors, but will show people you have integrity in dealing with your subscribers. Your generosity and honesty will make everyone on your list eager to open every email you send them.

Click here for a free "Growing Your Business with Email Marketing" guide.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

How Can Email Marketing Help My Business?

You simply cannot have a good online marketing plan if you don't involve yourself with email marketing. Email marketing, when done correctly, will enable your business to attract new customers, keep existing ones, up-sell, cross-sell and cut costs. Let's take a look at some of the specific ways that email marketing can help your business.

It Allows You To Automate Your Business
If you're running a small business, you're probably busy doing lots of different tasks. An email marketing autoresponder acts like your silent salesperson who works for you 24/7.