It never fails, you received a free eBook and get excited to
read about the latest, and best, way to utilised Social Media posting for your small business. You hungrily tear through the information and then re-write
your marketing plan to implement this new strategy only to receive entirely
different information the next day, week, month, and so on.
Fortunately, there is a light at the end of the tunnel,
thanks to CoSchedule. In their great wisdom, they have put together
information from a variety of reports to provide you with the last word in
Social Media Post schedules.
We learned in school that there are many different time zones across the world with 4 time zones just in the U.S.A. So, with clients spread from sea to shining sea, what are the best times to
post on the various social media platforms?
No cost social media and online marketing training here
No cost social media and online marketing training here
To decide this, we need to take into consideration where
most of these clients are living. According to Census records, 80% of
those people living in the United States are found in the Eastern and Central
time zones. It would make sense, then, to focus our schedules on time as
it is followed in those locations. If all your clients are in the UK, then posting for the GMT time zone would make more sense.