Showing posts with label Small Business Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Small Business Advice. Show all posts

Monday, 23 April 2018

Top Tips for Small Business Content Marketing

You probably read a great deal about how important the right content is for your small business in addition to continually striving to create the perfect content for your business every time. The fact is that your content marketing materials are so much more than merely top-quality, compelling, educational content. They need to earn you a good living.

Getting your marketing materials to produce the right results
If your marketing materials don't produce the type (and level) of results that you need them to produce, the chances are really great that you will not continue to use those content materials. Of course, the concept is extremely simple; however, achieving the goals that you have set up to achieve are not necessarily as easily obtainable.

No cost online marketing training here

A content marketing approach that works

Friday, 19 January 2018

How to Market Your Service Based Business

What is a Sales Promotion?
When selling a product, marketing usually comes fairly easy. Your marketing campaign revolves around the product for sale and how it can be used.

When you own a service-based business, the marketing may require a different approach. Instead of marketing product features, you have to market yourself and your team.  The good news is, people are always looking for reliable services, no matter the type.  You just need to make sure they find you and not your competitors.   Here are some techniques that will help you accomplish this.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and free marketing training here 

Connect with Your Own Community
Established local businesses have their own clientele.  And, they may only be able to handle a certain number of clients.  So, if you treat these businesses respectfully, they may refer clients to you when they are at their capacity.  A good way to connect with your community is to be involved with the local Rotary Club or Chamber of Commerce. These associations will connect you with other businesses that welcome assistance from a peer.

Use Social Media and Networking

Friday, 17 November 2017

Building Small Business Credibility by Combining Online and Offline Marketing

How to earn new clients for your small business with these brand-boosting suggestions

New clients are essential to the success of any business so make sure you keep up consistent efforts to draw in new leads you can then turn into paying clients. 

Proper planning
Have you taken the steps to define your ideal client yet? It's important to have a plan before setting off on a journey.

Ideal clients are just that: ideal. The more of them you have, the less stress you have in keeping any toxic clients who may be more trouble than they're worth.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and free training here great for all Small Business Owners

Make your presence known
Content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing all work together when planned properly. Before you start any guess work at how to go about marketing your business online remember our tips on the value of planning it all out right and hiring a professional to get it done properly.

This article talked about the value of organic and paid marketing to drive website traffic in droves and the cost of messy DIY attempts at online marketing.

The importance of referrals

Friday, 3 November 2017

What You're Doing Wrong In Your Small Business Or As An Entrepreneur

Business owners and entrepreneurs are not always good at asking for help. Be honest, when did you last reach out to someone? Perhaps this is the reason why they are entrepreneurs in the first place. Business owners are self motivated and self reliant. But if you're operating a business in this way, it could be the one thing which stands in the way of progress.

Entrepreneurs are hard workers too and will work hard in areas which many people wouldn't consider. They look forward to the long term effects of their actions rather than for immediate rewards. Often business owners have built up their businesses over many years of difficulties and sacrifice.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and free sales & marketing training here

However, thinking into the cause and effects of all this work there is one thing in common: you. As the 'owner' of a business it can be easy to become complacent. Perhaps business growth isn't what it should be? You are always the limiting factor in your life. Unless you are growing, your business isn't.

If you keep operating from the belief that you know everything, you will always keep getting the same results in your business, and in your life. Growing in awareness and developing your self along with your business is what smart entrepreneurs do.

Working Hard And Smart 

Friday, 1 September 2017

6 Tips for Growing a Small Business

To succeed with growing a small business, it is essential to have great organisational and planning skills, as well as having a flexible approach to work. Before starting a new business venture, it is important to put in the time for initial planning before opening the doors. Here are a few things to consider for the greater likelihood of success in the future:

Get organised

In order to set up and grow the business it helps to be very organised. An organised person is that much better at staying on top of things and completing tasks. A simple strategy to achieve this is a to-do list. This can be updated daily to give a complete overview of what needs to be done on any given day. Also, this is a great way to avoid forgetting tasks or leaving things until the last-minute.

Click here for details on how to create an additional income stream in your spare time.

Maintain detailed records

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Do you really know what makes your small business the most money?

Do you really know what you sell and what makes you the most money?

Business Marketing Mastery has the sole aim of helping small business owners generate greater sales through better marketing:

I’ve met with hundreds of small business owners over the last 15 years or so and many have become clients of mine and I have helped them in a number of ways from simple advertising to re-branding.

One of the first questions I ask them no matter what their business or niche is 
‘What makes you the most money’? 

Friday, 12 May 2017

8 Golden Success Secrets for Small Businesses

Running a small business is as challenging as trekking to Mt. Everest without having oxygen cylinder, prior practice, and a valid map guide. The challenges are only because there are no authentic rules that can lead a small business towards success while other major obstacles comprise: low budget, limited manpower, and lack of efficient resources. But as a small business owner, you must delve into the pass-codes that help you decode the secret patterns of operating a successful startup or small business. It not only helps you to sustain your current growth but also excel your business planning's to achieve higher objectives. There are a few suggestions based on real-world experiences, which can assist you to hit the bull's eye.

1- Utilise the power of social media:
Nowadays, the entire world revolves around social media and if you are able to use its full potential, it can immediately help you increase your sales and brand reputation with very minimum resource and effort. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, help you connect with a large scale of users, where you can directly interact with them, thereby allowing you to convert them into your potential clients. It forms a two-way channel that not only allows you to put your message across but also, listen to what your targeted audience want, which eventually goes a long way in improving and growing your business.

2- Research and analyse your competition: