Showing posts with label 6 tips for Small Business Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 tips for Small Business Success. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 March 2018

6 Ways to Improve Your Email’s Subject Lines

Email marketing campaigns are a great way to get more eyes on your small business newsletter or website since you can reach thousands of people at once. However, your campaign won’t be successful if nobody opens your message. According to Madison Logic, over 122 billion emails are sent an hour, so knowing how to stand out from the crowd is important.

Your email’s headline is arguably the most important part of the message since it’s the part readers will see first and make a split-second decision whether opening the message is worth their time. Headlines that aren’t interesting will quickly be marked as read or deleted. In fact, copywriter coach Chris Marlow claims that studies have proven that headlines are responsible for 50-75% of an ad’s success.

Grab our free  Social Media checklist and free online marketing  and email marketing training here

Knowing just how much of your campaign’s success rests on the headline alone, it’s important that you really take the time to examine how effective your headlines are. Here are a few great tips to craft better headlines:

Personalise your subject line.

Friday 1 September 2017

6 Tips for Growing a Small Business

To succeed with growing a small business, it is essential to have great organisational and planning skills, as well as having a flexible approach to work. Before starting a new business venture, it is important to put in the time for initial planning before opening the doors. Here are a few things to consider for the greater likelihood of success in the future:

Get organised

In order to set up and grow the business it helps to be very organised. An organised person is that much better at staying on top of things and completing tasks. A simple strategy to achieve this is a to-do list. This can be updated daily to give a complete overview of what needs to be done on any given day. Also, this is a great way to avoid forgetting tasks or leaving things until the last-minute.

Click here for details on how to create an additional income stream in your spare time.

Maintain detailed records

Tuesday 27 June 2017

6 Ways To Increase Your Social Media Engagement

Zero engagement is one of the most irritating aspects of social media marketing. Posting day in and day out gives you no results. It happens with many people. At times, you do see one or two likes, but you hear nothing most of the time. Given below are a few good ways of rising above the noise so you can raise the engagement level on your social media pages.

The attraction

First of all, you should find out what attracts your target audience on social media. Maybe, they love Facebook and use the site to read up on news stories. You should post newsworthy content if you know that they love news. On the other hand, if they use Instagram, you may want to post your business photos to attract them.

Struggling to manage your social media? Free 30 day trial with Hootsuite will save you time

Monday 26 June 2017

6 Top Tools for Optimising All Your Sales Funnels

Ready to start building out your sales funnels? I find that a lot of people are just lost when it comes to building out their funnels. There are a few things you need before you can get started. Here are some of the most popular options when it comes to putting together both free and paid funnels:

Lead Pages-when it comes to building opt-in pages, LeadPages is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. They've tracked and tested a variety of page styles to determine which ones convert best, and they make it easy for you to build similar pages for your marketing funnel. The reason people like LeadPages is because it has a drag and drop feature that makes building your opt-in pages a breeze. It does come with a fee of $25/month if you pay annually.So before investing, you'll want to be sure you can recoup your investment.

AWeber - When it comes to an email marketing management system, I choose AWeber.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

The 6 Step Marketing Campaign

Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs are urged to periodically launch marketing campaigns designed to promote the products and services sold and the brand. The purpose of marketing is to drive sales and generate revenues and profits, the life -blood of every business. In support of that suggestion, presented here is a review of the core components of a successful marketing campaign.

Step 1: Identify your target audience
Understand who you want your campaign to reach and influence. List the industry categories (e.g., for-profit, not-for-profit, social services, IT, hospitals, banking, etc.) and the job titles of your most frequent clients and most promising prospective clients. Members of the target market groups must have the motive and money to use your products or services.

Step 2: Know the competition