Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 April 2018

How To Be More Effective With Your Small Business Social Media Posts

It never fails, you received a free eBook and get excited to read about the latest, and best, way to utilised Social Media posting for your small business.  You hungrily tear through the information and then re-write your marketing plan to implement this new strategy only to receive entirely different information the next day, week, month, and so on.

Fortunately, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, thanks to CoSchedule.  In their great wisdom, they have put together information from a variety of reports to provide you with the last word in Social Media Post schedules.

We learned in school that there are many different time zones across the world with 4 time zones just in the U.S.A.  So, with clients spread from sea to shining sea, what are the best times to post on the various social media platforms?

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To decide this, we need to take into consideration where most of these clients are living.  According to Census records, 80% of those people living in the United States are found in the Eastern and Central time zones.  It would make sense, then, to focus our schedules on time as it is followed in those locations. If all your clients are in the UK, then posting for the GMT time zone would make more sense.


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

3 Free Super Twitter Tips for Business

Twitter boasts of 310 Million active users on its platform. It is right there behind Facebook in terms of popularity and usage.

What is amazing about Twitter is how it restricts messages from users within 140 words, thereby challenging its users to be brief and witty.

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I have been using Twitter for years helping promote my client's businesses and our business using the platform.

Here are 3 free super Twitter tips to help your business grow better on Twitter:

  1. Twitter Profile Creation:

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Rocking Twitter for Your Business

Twitter may seem like an enigma to you but if that is true, it is time for you to get to know how to use it and to embrace all that it has to offer because its potential is vast.

There are the basics and then there are the advanced features 

If you run a business, you probably have some sense that Twitter is a great, effective way to communicate although it limits those communications to 140 characters (with spaces) per tweet. You may be surprised at how effectively you can communicate with such a limit.

You may have a good understanding of the way Twitter basically works. However, at the same time, you may not be aware of all of its capabilities. Once you learn about them, you may be able to take advantage of those advanced features for great benefit to your business.

  • Build Twitter lists: When it comes to business, lists are a critical organisational tool that no business person can do without. One important, advantageous list that you will want to build through Twitter is your influencer list. Not only should you list the influencers on your list but you should also add a place where you can make notes about what the influencers want to know. If you have a capability of answering his or her questions, you will be able to build a relationship that will be solid and enduring. The truth is that communications via Twitter seem to move very quickly. That means that there is a danger of your losing some of the information (or some of the information falling through the cracks). However, if you have captured important information in your list, it will be exactly where you want it and where you can access it at any time. Twitter lists are an extremely powerful tool and, surprisingly, fewer people take advantage of that feature than you might expect.

  • Get involved in Twitter discussions: 

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Getting Started on Twitter for Your Business

How to Set Your Profile, Make Connections, and Start Expanding Your Business Exposure Through Twitter

July is Twitter Month for us so for those already using Twitter for their business stay tuned for more 'how tos' and tips on using Twitter for business!

For those of you who haven't braved the Twitter social media waters quite yet, this article will provide compelling reasons why you should use Twitter for business and then dive into how to set up your profile and how to get started building your following on Twitter.

Why Use Twitter For Your Business? 

Friday, 14 July 2017

Content Marketing for Your Small Business

A large part of engaging social media posts has great content. Just having a profile on multiple Social Media sites isn't enough to keep followers engaged or attract new customers. To get and hold people's attention, you need to post new, trending and engaging content consistently.

You've probably heard that your social media content should NOT be all promotional for your product or service. Mix it up! Have a variety of different content about a wide range of subjects.
So, what do you talk about across your Social Media Channels, if you aren't supposed to sell, sell, sell? Try these topics, put your twist on them.

1. Company: Give insight to your business. 

Thursday, 13 July 2017

10 Ways to Get People to Follow Your Twitter Page

When it comes to Twitter, subscribers or "followers" are your key to building popularity. And popularity is a fundamental and a very important concept to grab hold of. The idea is that by following someone, they'll agree to follow you back.

The following are other ideas which can help with Twitter followers:

1) Connect your blog or social network site to your profile. By adding a link to each of your social media profiles to your Twitter profile, and vice versa, you are making sure everyone you know is able to reach you in all the places they have accounts as well.

2) Ask others to recommend your profile. A blog reader could recommend your social networking page, or other members of your social network could recommend your blog. Word of mouth can go a long way, especially in the world of social networking. Although you may not get every person who hears of you on your Twitter page, you can easily raise the number with a few referrals from friends.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

6 Ways To Increase Your Social Media Engagement

Zero engagement is one of the most irritating aspects of social media marketing. Posting day in and day out gives you no results. It happens with many people. At times, you do see one or two likes, but you hear nothing most of the time. Given below are a few good ways of rising above the noise so you can raise the engagement level on your social media pages.

The attraction

First of all, you should find out what attracts your target audience on social media. Maybe, they love Facebook and use the site to read up on news stories. You should post newsworthy content if you know that they love news. On the other hand, if they use Instagram, you may want to post your business photos to attract them.

Struggling to manage your social media? Free 30 day trial with Hootsuite will save you time

Friday, 23 June 2017

7 Ways to Increase Traffic Using Social Media

Social media is huge and growing. There are groups, fanpages, company pages and your own personal page that you can use to engage with your target audience. The following 7 tricks, tips and techniques have been proven to increase the amount of traffic you get from large social sites and more: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn and other social media sites are just a few of the popular sites and should be considered when producing material for publication.

1 - Automate the Process
Automated social media engagement is possible through HootSuite (free and paid) and IFTTT. They put your marketing on autopilot, and when you are consistently in the face of your audience, your traffic tends to improve. There are other paid software options that you can use to expand your reach that you may or may not find of benefit.

Free 30 Trial with Hootsuite - Click here.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Honing Your Social Media Profiles Effectively

Many people pay a lot of attention to social media. However, do those same people pay as much attention to their social media profiles? There are many different reasons why people don't update their social media profiles regularly, such as lack of time or simply forgetting about them. However, honing your social media profiles effectively and regularly will produce positive results.

The information in your social media profiles