Thursday 9 March 2017

Still Not Having a Mobile Friendly Website in 2017?

In 2015, Google unveiled a change to the search engine algorithms which is now considered as a ranking signal in a website's mobile presence. For this reason, responsive design is a must.
In other words, a website has to be accessible on a smartphone.

It should contain the following elements: 
  • Clear text that does not require zooming
  • Enough space for tap targets
  • No horizontal scrolling
You probably can recall that viewing a website on your phone some time ago was not a favourable experience at all.

During 2017, the amount of Smartphone users worldwide will exceed 2 billion.

Websites not designed to be viewed on such smaller screens will probably encounter a decrease in their search engine rankings.

In reality, 60% of searches at present originate from a mobile device.

To make sure your website is compatible with mobile devices (with no need to create a separate app) and to provide a favourable experience, consider responsive design as the best mobile solution.

To begin with, what is responsive web design and how can it affect you?

There was a time when you needed to create more sites for viewing on different sizes of screens.

With the system created by responsive web design, a single site with one URL and content source responds to the size of a user's mobile device. A responsive website adjusts to the screen size due to its fluid and flexible layout. This will provide the users with a favourable browsing experience.
In essence, your website will look good and be easy to use on all devices, whether it is a desktop/laptop, a tablet or a mobile phone.

Advantages of Responsive Design for Mobile Devices

The greatest advantage of a responsive layout is that users will have the best possible experience on your website using any device.

In addition, it allows you to improve your website content. This makes sure that users only see the most important information on their mobile device.

By means of the Google algorithm update, a responsive web design boosts visibility on the search engines because it is compatible with mobile devices. A website that gives an efficient mobile experience is more likely to appear on search results than one that does not.

The Importance of Responsive Design for Business 
  • Helps you to reach out to more customers using smaller mobile devices like tablets and smartphones;
  • Gives a consistent experience that is more likely to boost sales, conversions and lead generation;
  • Allows consolidation of analytics, reporting and tracking in one place;
  • Reduces costs and time on website content management;
  • Gives an edge over competition.
Take note that are two more methods that provide a mobile friendly experience. The first one is known as the Dynamic Serving, which makes use of different HTML and CSS code, but the same URL. Pages identify the device used for viewing and provide the correct code.

The other method is a different mobile site. The moment users visit using their mobile device, they are directed towards a separate mobile-specific URL.

The most useful method depends on a given situation, provided that the right steps are followed to fully optimise for mobile users. You just need to decipher the best method for your online presence before deciding on one.

By Karina Popa - Article Source:

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