Friday, 9 March 2018

Top Tips For Your Small Business Sales Promotion

What is a Sales Promotion?

When done correctly, sales promotions can transform a small business.    Most of us these days know sales promotions are usually designed to increase sales or, encourage the use of a service. They are also often one type of marketing strategy confused with general advertising.  In fact, the two are different.  Because, each entices a different part of the buyer’s nature.

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Advertising is emotional in nature.  It induces consumers to purchase products or services through images, sounds, and experiences. Sales promotions draw on a customer’s logic.

To get the most out of the efforts you put into creating a promotion, it’s important for you to promote your sales promotion. I know, that’s a lot of use of the base word promote, it’s confusing, but accurate.

Promoting Your Promotion

Friday, 2 March 2018

3 Email Secrets to Help Your Small Business Marketing

Is there really a secret to using an email marketing autoresponder system for your small business?

I have been a user of autoresponder systems for over ten years now and I admit that the first few weeks that I operated my own autoresponder system, I did not understand most of its uses and benefits. After two months of use, I started to see how surprisingly they helped my business. I had increased sales and an increased number of site visitors who were in turn converted to subscribers.

Autoresponders allow me to automatically send messages to my subscribers in my own predetermined time. I can even greet them on their birthdays or during other special occasions. All I do is set the system to do this. It gives me a greater chance to connect with my subscribers - to make them feel special. With this, I have gained and retained more and more customers.

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I really believe that each entrepreneur in whatever business he is undertaking should use this system. Let me share with you some autoresponder secrets - what they are and how you use them.

Goals - What does an autoresponder do?

1.) Builds a long-lasting relationships with your customers and subscribers.
2.) It allows you to send the most unique and engaging emails about your business.
3.) It heightens your sales and the number of visitors.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

5 Tips on How to get More Attention for Your Blog on Facebook

Having a blog for your small business is an important online marketing strategy. It helps with SEO, gives your customers and clients important information, helps educate new customers and clients, and is a great platform to talk about what you do and how you do it.

Undoubtedly you spend a fair amount of time curating the content for your blog. You come up with ideas, write the content, optimise it for your website, and more. After it’s written, you want to make sure that people actually read it.

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One of the best ways to get your small businesses blog content out there is to post it on your social media channels. Facebook is an especially powerful tool for posting your blog content and having people read and share it.

There are a few tactics that you can use to your advantage when you post your blog content on Facebook. Here are the ones that work the best:

1. Share your blog on Facebook 

Friday, 9 February 2018

3 Tips for Successful Facebook Ads

Are you considering advertising on Facebook or are you already doing so? Then these three tips that will help your advertising campaigns to be more successful.

Tip One:

Facebook is not primarily an advertising sales platform. I know the managers of Facebook have heavily promoted it as one of the top online advertising platforms out there. And, in many ways, they are correct. It has a fabulously rich marketing database.

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So, what do I mean by this statement, that Facebook is not primarily an advertising sales platform?
What I mean is that people's intention for being there is not to buy. We're on Facebook to be social. To share silly pictures or find out what our friends are doing, etc. If we want to buy something, we will go to websites such as eBay or Amazon or Etsy.

What this means for you as an advertiser, is that if you try to sell on Facebook right out of the gate, you will fail. Why? Because there is an instant disconnect between why someone is there on Facebook, and what you are doing.

The way around this problem is for you to give. You have to promote something that gives value to the people who will see your advertisement. In short, you are using Facebook advertising to build a relationship. And, what you're hoping is that further down the road of that relationship, sales will be made.

Tip Two:

Thursday, 1 February 2018

What Is People-Based Marketing?

Marketing is all about reaching people and all marketers want to find out how to reach the greatest amount of people with the smallest amount of effort. This often means sending the same generic message to hundreds, if not thousands, or people. However, everyone is unique and therefore has unique needs. What is relevant to one person might not be relevant to the next. It’s hard to be that brand that appeals to everyone since each person is so different. This is where people-based marketing comes in.

If you’d like more access to invaluable marketing strategies, check out this done-for-you-system.

What It Is
People-based marketing represents the original promise of digital and internet marketing; it allows you to replace your broadcast with personalized messages and experiences that the consumer wants to see.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Combining Small Business Offline Marketing With Your Online Marketing

Because so many people make use of the internet for basically anything you can think of, the offline side of marketing efforts is often overlooked. While the use of the internet for putting your business out there guarantees global reach, and visibility, there are many other tactics you may want to try that can give you an added push and of course, be profitable. Making physical connections with people is a vital part of the business building process, and should not be side-stepped when trying to grow your business.In fact, combining offline and online strategies, produces the perfect marriage of forces to drive your business forward.

Make Use of Trade Shows and Expos
You can actually search online to see which trade shows related to your field of business you could take part in. You could split the cost of a display space with another business to minimize your costs.
Even if you decide not to exhibit via a booth or table display, you need to be prepared so that you can garner leads through this medium. Making use of print media through flyers and business cards which you can personally hand to patrons, is a great step toward building your network.

Click here to find out how to build an online business (without having to build it yourself!)

Volunteer for Local Projects or Causes

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

5 Key Components to an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

There’s more to your content marketing strategy than your content. You can create as much content as you want. But, it won’t get you anywhere without brand visibility, repeat traffic, social media marketing, and other factors.

The following 5 key components will help ensure that you put your content to good use. When you spend time or money generating content, you don’t want it to be wasted. Pay attention to these 5 components:

  • Brand visibility
  • Website traffic
  • Calls to action
  • Multiple channels
  • Quality content
Brand Visibility
The first component is brand visibility. This includes awareness and familiarity. When customers see your content, they should be able to immediately recognise it as coming from your website. The easiest way to achieve this is with branding.

Your content should include your branding. This means adding your logo, using the same colour scheme that you use on your website, and making sure that your brand name is prominently displayed.

Website Traffic
You need traffic. Otherwise, how’s anyone going to find your content? So, the next key component of any content marketing strategy is website traffic. This includes referral traffic and repeat traffic.

Referral traffic lets you know that people are linking to your content or talking about it on social media. If you’re not getting any referral traffic, you need to incorporate social media marketing.
Share links to your content on social media. This should help get the ball rolling. 

Calls to Action
Every piece of content that you create needs a call to action. It doesn’t matter if this call to action directs the visitor to a product page or to a lead magnet. The goal is to get them to move onto the next step.

 Click here to learn about my done-for-you system.