If you have launched your business recently, you may not
have become totally immersed in writing content for your business and sharing
it on the various social media channels yet. If that is the case, you probably
have some decisions to make regarding content and your business. You will want
to consider blogging for your business because it offers numerous benefits.
The most important reasons to blog for business
Educational purposes: If you are not aware of
it, blog content should be informational and educational for your target
audience members. The last thing that you want to do with a blog is to make it
highly promotional. Nobody wants to be given the "hard sell" and your
target audience members are no exception to that rule. What you want to do with
your blog is to share useful, compelling, informative, insightful information.
What you don't want to do is to sell anything to anyone. There is plenty of
time for that later on.
Providing a blog in that sort of form is extremely powerful
and it helps you to build credibility and trustworthiness among your target
audience members. An important part of what you will want to convey is that you
have the ability to solve the other person's problem(s). In your blog, you will
want to encourage the target audience member to ask questions. That will be
another way to build credibility.
Responding to questions from multiple people: