Showing posts with label Email Marketing Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Email Marketing Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Why Email Marketing is good for Small Businesses

Email happens to be among the most effective ways of marketing which in the end bring outstanding results. 

The best thing about email is that apart from being effective, it does not cost much therefore suiting even small businesses. It is actually the most used methods of marketing among small business owners. 

The main advantages it has for small businesses include the following:

It is affordable

Email marketing is cost effective and enables you to reach a wide number of potential customers at once. It does not require any postage expenses or materials to make it happen and you can easily do it and within a very short time. For instance, after creating a precise but attractive message, you can then send it to all the targeted people at once.

It is effective

Email marketing is effective in the manner that you are able to make proactive communication to existing customers as well as potential ones without having to passively wait for their response at the storefront. Email also allows you to target the right interests, lists and sources to make sure you achieve your full potential.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and free email marketing training here

It is easy

Tuesday 13 June 2017

How To Build An Email List Using Nothing But Blog Posts

How to build an email list?

A question asked by both seasoned and "newbie" email marketers alike. After all, if your email marketing is going to be successful (in other words, if it's going to make you a lot of money) then you're going to need an email list full of genuine prospects. If you fail to build an email list like this, then whatever email marketing strategy you planned on using will fail.

Now, there are numerous ways in which you can build an email list. Some involve paid advertising methods; others involve methods which allow you to build an email list for FREE.

And it's one of these free list building methods that you'll be learning about today. Specifically, how you can use a simple WordPress blog to get a ton more subscribers join your list.

What you need to do is this:

First, you need to write your daily email to your list. Once you've written it, you should then do the following: