Friday, 16 June 2017

6 Tips to Enhance Your Brand Reputation Through Social Media

Whenever you start your new product or service and want to sell, gain subscribers, persuade followers to a point or sway the hearts and minds of readers to your cause your customers need to know you at the first place. To do so you need to have a brand image and you can encourage your brand only through its authority.

Creating brand awareness could be a foundation stone of successful marketing. To do so social media is used as rapidly evolving ideal messengers. Now it's on you how you merge your product & services with effective social media strategy. In fact, recent reports shows that 71% of brands are planning to invest much more in social media in the coming year to get new followers and to do brand reputation.

Below are the facts which will help you to improve your brand reputation through social media

1. Choose a social platform which supports your product image 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Should You Spend Money on Facebook Like Ads?

There's a bit of controversy about that those because a lot of people dismiss them as a vanity metric.
First of all, I just want to make sure we don't get Like Ads confused with people going to places like Fiverr and giving them five bucks and getting a thousand Likes. Those likes are (C-R-A-P), which is not good for you in the long run because it's not going to create an engaged page, which is what we're doing with our Like Ads - we're investing into Facebook Like Ads and playing building relationship with our 'Fans'.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The Many Benefits of Blogging for Business

If you have launched your business recently, you may not have become totally immersed in writing content for your business and sharing it on the various social media channels yet. If that is the case, you probably have some decisions to make regarding content and your business. You will want to consider blogging for your business because it offers numerous benefits.

The most important reasons to blog for business

Educational purposes: If you are not aware of it, blog content should be informational and educational for your target audience members. The last thing that you want to do with a blog is to make it highly promotional. Nobody wants to be given the "hard sell" and your target audience members are no exception to that rule. What you want to do with your blog is to share useful, compelling, informative, insightful information. What you don't want to do is to sell anything to anyone. There is plenty of time for that later on.
Providing a blog in that sort of form is extremely powerful and it helps you to build credibility and trustworthiness among your target audience members. An important part of what you will want to convey is that you have the ability to solve the other person's problem(s). In your blog, you will want to encourage the target audience member to ask questions. That will be another way to build credibility.

Responding to questions from multiple people: 

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

How To Build An Email List Using Nothing But Blog Posts

How to build an email list?

A question asked by both seasoned and "newbie" email marketers alike. After all, if your email marketing is going to be successful (in other words, if it's going to make you a lot of money) then you're going to need an email list full of genuine prospects. If you fail to build an email list like this, then whatever email marketing strategy you planned on using will fail.

Now, there are numerous ways in which you can build an email list. Some involve paid advertising methods; others involve methods which allow you to build an email list for FREE.

And it's one of these free list building methods that you'll be learning about today. Specifically, how you can use a simple WordPress blog to get a ton more subscribers join your list.

What you need to do is this:

First, you need to write your daily email to your list. Once you've written it, you should then do the following:

Friday, 9 June 2017

Facebook AdWords Trends for 2017

In 2017 it is expected that Facebook would come up with more ways in which brands can reach users that they intend to target. Monetised bots are going to be at the forefront of this revolution. Mark Zuckerberg has recently stated in a post that till the time a product has a billion users it has not done meaningful business. 

In the same post he had also stated that Facebook was not going to make any effort to monetise its bots till the time the social networking site had a billion users. Facebook Messenger has recently hit the mark. Zuckerberg has stated that Messenger would follow a process of monetisation that is similar to that of Facebook itself.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Small Businesses: Top Tips to Optimise Facebook Ads

Facebook is not just a social media for interacting with your friends. It is an important tool for increasing the profitability of your business as well. You can optimise your Facebook Ads now so that they get enough visibility and provide you with the returns that you were longing for. A lot of people give up too easily if their ads are not generating income; however, you need to understand that it takes some smart working and following basic tips to monetise yours. Here are some tips to create your Facebook ads in the most successful way possible. When you follow these, you will become a professional in no time.

1. Create different ad sets for the same ad

When you are planning to post an ad on Facebook, you cannot expect different groups of people to react to it in the same way. So, you need to do two tasks for a single ad - create different ad sets or the ways in which you want to track your audiences towards each set and create segments of your audiences.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Online Reputation Management Tips For Small Businesses

Almost every business irrespective of its location has an issue with a customer. This situation should be dealt quickly and amicably. Otherwise, it may end up with the customer posting in a public forum. The agitated customer may feel that they need to issue a warning to people about your business. 

News can travel faster now in this age of the internet. Negative words can have an adverse impact on your business. However, if you have prepared to handle online criticism of your company, then you may be able to tackle effectively and minimise the financial impact. Let us discuss some tips for your online reputation management.

Create a presence on social media sites