Thursday, 2 March 2017

5 Tips for Small Business Success

As a small business, we face certain challenges that can add stress and anxiety to our daily lives. It is not always easy meeting payroll, hiring, figuring out what platform to market on and managing the finances. But, millions of small business owners do these things every day and their businesses thrive.

Here are 5 Tips for Small Business Success

Write Down Why You Started
As a small business owner, you may find yourself living on a roller coaster. Some days you feel like you are going to take over the entire universe while other days you fire yourself and walk off the job. And, early on in the small business process, you have more firing and walking off the job kind of days. It is in these days that you must remember your "why." Why are you doing this? Why are you so passionate?

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Top 13 Ways Landing Pages Can Build Your Business

For many entrepreneurs and business owners, the online marketing scene can very confusing and overwhelming. All that marketing terminology that's constantly being thrown out there on a daily basis is enough to make one pull the covers over their head and hope it all just goes away.
It can be tough to get up to speed and learn the lingo well enough to be able to make informed decisions on whether your business could benefit from the latest and greatest marketing techniques available or not.

That's always been my goal with writing these business-related articles - to help you get the clarity you need to be able to move forward in an informed way.

So today's article shares some insights into landing pages.

These pages got their name from marketing campaigns that were designed to drive targeted people to a specific page on a website with the intention of converting them to do something.
That "something" is detailed later in this article but first, let's explore what they are.

What is a Landing Page

Friday, 24 February 2017

Tips to Help Improve Your Social Media Marketing

When social media first emerged on the scene, it was underestimated by many brands. It's not 'til now we're seeing more and more business owners creating a presence on these platforms. The ones who jumped aboard early on are reaping the benefits now, especially if they had the assistance from social media marketing companies.

If you're a new business or one that has yet to try out social media marketing, then you should consider hiring professional services. You can also use the following tips to guide you along your path to building a strong brand on social platforms that are right for you.

Try One Platform at a Time 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Search Engine Optimisation: Why Small Business Gets SEO Wrong

Like it or loath it, search engine optimisation (SEO) is a necessary part of your online marketing strategy.

Many believe it involves gathering together a list of keywords, sticking them into a website and people will find you.

Sadly it doesn't work like that, which is why so many businesses are getting it wrong.

People also have the view that SEO is incredibly complex and time-consuming. In truth, it's not. 

Granted, it takes a bit of getting your head around it, but the on page stuff is easy to grasp, although you will need a web designer who understands SEO to get all the 'behind the scenes' stuff right. The problem is many can't be bothered to invest the time it takes to get to grips with what needs doing, and that's when it all goes horribly wrong.

So, what are the most common SEO mistakes that small businesses make? 

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

3 Ways to Grow Any Business

Let me ask you something... Aside from the dead give-away coming from the title, how many ways do you, or did you, think there was to grow a business? Any business.

1? 3? 10? 150?

When ever I ask this to an audience I get countless people shouting out a variety of answers ranging from 1 to, well, unlimited. It's true... People actually think there are "unlimited" ways to grow a business!Truth be told, there are only three ways to grow and business.
THREE?! Have you lost your mind?Nope, and I welcome you to challenge that.
There are only THREE ways to grow ANY business.

Here they are: