Friday, 10 November 2017

Social Media Tips - Why you should use Images with your posts.

A Picture Is Worth A 1,000 Words, You Need Them In Your Posts

You've heard the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words". I'm sure there are quite a few pictures out there like that, but when it comes to a blog post, that isn't always the case. 

Even so, you want to make sure your posts are visually appealing and attention grabbing. And good pictures are a great way to accomplish that.

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A Picture Can Draw Readers In

A picture will draw readers in and make them read your blog posts. Don't believe me? Have a look at some of the major news sites, big blogs or even your Facebook feed. It's the pictures that grab your attention in combination with the post title.

Try to find an image that tells the story of your post. The image should tell at a glance (with the help of the post title) what the blog post is all about. Of course you're not limited to just one image. If it fits the topic, grab a few to illustrate what you're talking about or show step-by-step progress.

You Need Pictures For Social Media Shares 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Leverage the Organic Power of Facebook for your Online Marketing

I started out on Facebook just as almost everyone else did. I opened an account, started finding other friends on the site and start communicating with them mostly by - I guess you could call it - Blog posting as a lot of what Facebook is really about at its base is a social platform - a blog site.
I was starting an online business and my initial focus when getting going was to write some articles, publish them to get known and then build them into books and market them on Amazon-Kindle. I did not have much more of a strategy than that in the beginning - I had just always wanted to write and publish a book. A bucket list item.

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As I began to delve in further into the world of Facebook - and this spans time - over the last couple of years in fact - I became aware of just how powerful this platform really is from a business and product marketing perspective. And I have learned a lot about the platform to date - yet I am constantly learning more things I can do on it to further my brand awareness and even close sales right on the platform itself. With this in mind, I want to share with you some ideas for using Facebook that you may not have thought of. Here is an initial list of ideas to get you started.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Email Marketing: The Benefits of This Small Business Marketing Method

In this digitalised world, technology has made it very easy to reach your targeted audience.
Small business owners are always looking for marketing that is credible, measurable and cost-effective!

Email marketing is imperative for the success of a business. What problem most businesses face? Simply said, most businesses don't know how to do it right. Picking the best online marketing software for mass email has a direct impact on the success of your marketing campaign.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a term defining the action of businesses sending a message. This message is sent to a group of people through the electronic mail. It includes advertisements, sales or solicitation. Any email that helps in generating customer loyalty and trust in the product. Therefore, email is an efficient way to stay in touch with your customers and promote your business.

Moreover, with the help of small business email marketing, you can easily reach a wider range of clients. This saves money and time and provides a go-to database you can tap into when you have a special promotion or product announcement. It can be said that there is no guarantee that your message will reach 100% of your targeted audience, but then again no online marketing can guarantee that.

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Let's take a look at 10 reasons why sending email tops any form of online marketing. 

Friday, 3 November 2017

What You're Doing Wrong In Your Small Business Or As An Entrepreneur

Business owners and entrepreneurs are not always good at asking for help. Be honest, when did you last reach out to someone? Perhaps this is the reason why they are entrepreneurs in the first place. Business owners are self motivated and self reliant. But if you're operating a business in this way, it could be the one thing which stands in the way of progress.

Entrepreneurs are hard workers too and will work hard in areas which many people wouldn't consider. They look forward to the long term effects of their actions rather than for immediate rewards. Often business owners have built up their businesses over many years of difficulties and sacrifice.

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However, thinking into the cause and effects of all this work there is one thing in common: you. As the 'owner' of a business it can be easy to become complacent. Perhaps business growth isn't what it should be? You are always the limiting factor in your life. Unless you are growing, your business isn't.

If you keep operating from the belief that you know everything, you will always keep getting the same results in your business, and in your life. Growing in awareness and developing your self along with your business is what smart entrepreneurs do.

Working Hard And Smart 

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Grab these three FREE Ebooks to Kick Start your Business Success

For all small business owners, sales are the key factor to your growth and success. If you are not achieving the sales you want, then you are at risk of losing your business.

Here are three Ebooks that focus on getting the sales success that you need. They are ready for you to download, just CLICK HERE to access then right away and kick start your sales success.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

10 Email Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

In this digitalised world, technology has made it very easy to reach your targeted audience.

Small business owners are always looking for marketing that is credible, measurable and cost-effective!

Email marketing is imperative for the success of a business. What problem most businesses face? Simply said, most businesses don't know how to do it right. Picking the best online marketing software for mass email has a direct impact on the success of your marketing campaign.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a term defining the action of businesses sending a message. This message is sent to a group of people through the electronic mail. It includes advertisements, sales or solicitation. Any email that helps in generating customer loyalty and trust in the product. Therefore, email is an efficient way to stay in touch with your customers and promote your business.

Moreover, with the help of small business email marketing, you can easily reach a wider range of clients. This saves money and time and provides a go-to database you can tap into when you have a special promotion or product announcement. It can be said that there is no guarantee that your message will reach 100% of your targeted audience, but then again no online marketing can guarantee that.

Let's take a look at 10 reasons why sending email tops any form of online marketing.

Grab our free Social Media checklist and free training here

Thursday, 26 October 2017

5 Quick Tips to Boost Engagement on Your Social Media Pages

Before you plan your next post, start using these easy engagement tips to set your pages on fire!

Read on for our favourite social engagement ideas to boost everything from page likes, post likes, comments, shares, followers, to full-blown stark raving mad fans!

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1. Instagram - Boost Engagement & Conversions
50% of Instagram users follow at least one business, the app has continued to grow in popularity since being purchased by Facebook in 2012. Making Insta ideal for communicating your brand's message using visual content - however posting pimped up images is only one part of the equation. If it's engagement you're after (and it is... ), it's important to pimp up the captions that go with those awesome pics!

I've curated the main tips below; if you're after the real nuts and bolts see Aaron's full article at Social Media Today.

Write With an Authentic Tone of Voice - Instagram users aren't expecting a serious tone of voice - they're generally using the app in their free time to look at cool visuals and be entertained.
Include a CTA (Call To Action) - 65% of top-performing brands post on Instagram feature products. Directly instructing people to check out your product or make a purchase can work well on this platform.