Showing posts with label Local Businesses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Local Businesses. Show all posts

Friday 28 July 2017

Get Your Local Business Found Online With SoLoMo

I always enjoy the looks that I receive from clients when I mention "SoLoMo". I can only imagine what they are thinking ("has he finally lost his mind?" Comes to mind a lot). In fact, I've memorised the explanation and have learned to quickly throw it out as soon as I bring it up. Still, SoLoMo is my favorite marketing method for local businesses, mainly because of the success that it has brought our clients, so it's a conversation that must be had with each and every local business owner that comes through our doors.

So, what the heck is SoLoMo?
SoLoMo is an acronym that stands for Social, Local, Mobile, and it taps into the buying patterns of more that 80% of consumers in today's connected world. Here's how it works:

How many times have you scrolled your Facebook or Twitter feed and saw one of your contacts (or maybe you've even done it as well?) asking others about the best "insert cuisine here" restaurants in the area? Or how many times have you checked online reviews on Facebook, Google, Yelp etc. before going to a local business? I'll bet you're just as guilty as the other 62% of all online shoppers who do the exact same thing. And of that 62%, 75% of them end up clicking through to the business's website in the process.

Having a social presence online is no longer a choice for local businesses. Nearly EVERYONE has a smartphone these days and has near-instant access to information on any business in their local area. If your business isn't in that mix, you're going to lose customers to the ones that are... lots of customers.


Friday 7 July 2017

Local Businesses: Don't Neglect Your Online Reputation

The one thing every business relies on the most to win over customers is their reputation. If your company image isn't a good one, then you're going to forever suffer with gaining the trust of your audience. And if that's the case, good luck with converting them into customers. Local businesses should definitely take heed, especially since a lot of mobile device users are using the Web to find local businesses to shop at. Your online reputation management strategy is key for increasing foot traffic, don't overlook this!

No Business is Perfect
Every company has its share of negative reviews circulating the Internet, but this shouldn't deter you from getting a hold of what people see about your brand on the Web. The idea here is to try and resolve issues that are within reason. It will help you to possibly win back a customer you would have otherwise lost and it shows others reviewing the conversation that your brand is willing to go over and beyond to rectify mistakes. It's a win-win-win situation - the customer gets what they want, you win back their trust and you possibly get the business of new prospects.

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