Showing posts with label Target. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Target. Show all posts

Monday 25 September 2017

5 Steps to Get to Know Your Target Market

There is a big chance that the target market you are looking for is similar to yourself. After all, you are probably into a subject that really rings your bell and that's why you want to spread the word. Like us; we are learning about online marketing and defining our target market so that what we write, actually reaches the people who might find it useful. It really all comes down to these 5 steps to get to know your target market.

1. Who are they?
Since people are all over the place with their interests, and in the online world the common demographics are not that useful anymore, we must think differently. Bring your audience to life in your imagination. A good way to get a first feel for things is to think of their personality traits. For instance, you can use the DISC method to assess yourself and think about what pushes your buttons. Then compare this to who it is you think that will be your audience. See where you are at by finding a free online DISC test.

Keep asking questions. Are they young or old? What is it that makes your heart beat faster? Do they consider wealth and freedom the highest good? Are they more into health or sustainability? Would they have a specific skill set like computer programming, maths, painting, or singing?

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2. What do they do?